

Theatre Games to Harmonize with new conditions

The workshop aims to use theatre games to help refugees adapt to new environments and connect with others in challenging situations. Participants engage in spatial, positional, silent, and power dynamics games that seamlessly integrate into performed scenes. Drawing from improvisation and Theatre of the Oppressed, the workshop empowers refugees to express themselves using their preferred language. Physical exercises in unfamiliar spaces help liberate the body, and the workshop provides a platform for participants to frame their stories and ideas, addressing social, psychological and political issues from diverse perspectives.

Review on Deutschlandfunk of a performance created from these workshops in Munich.

Marginal characters in Shakespeare’s plays.

Ziad Adwan collaborates with Koon Theatre to conduct a workshop involving young playwrights. The workshop centers around the exploration of marginalized characters in Shakespeare’s plays, highlighting rewriting processes, storytelling techniques, comparison of values between Shakespeare’s era and our modern times, and explorations of new writing styles for the theatre.

Community Theatre/ Syria 2010

By the end of this workshop, participants presented a play and toured various Syrian cities to showcase the development of the workshop, which focused on the concept of punishment. The participants, aged between 18 and 24, crafted personal stories centered around the theme of punishment. Based on Augusto Boal’s Forum Theatre, the workshop engaged the audience to play roles in the play and present their opinions and approaches to the presented scenes. The workshop explored the reasons behind people’s inclination to punish and questioned how law can be challenged in a conservative country governed by a totalitarian regime. Despite the sensitive nature of the topic, the participants developed their personal narratives, managing to objectify and frame them within broader social contexts.

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