Destruction for Beginners: The Trilogy
Zerstörung für Anfänger / Die Trilogie
Destruction for Beginners/The Trilogy Destruction for beginners 1: is a choreographic investigation that attempts to depict processes of collapse, destruction, and displacement. The background is the respective social, cultural, and political experiences of the Syrian actors, whose home countries have long been in a phase of upheaval with an uncertain outcome. Through intellectual discourse, playfulness, physical interaction and sarcasm, the performers attempt to “undo” thick layers of historical and cultural enrichment and reveal stereotypical perceptions. The dramaturgy of deconstruction serves as a way to create space for understanding and understanding new realities. Performance and creation: Mey Seifan, Martine-Nicole Rojina, Enik Concept, choreography and project management: Mey Seifan Artistic collaboration: Ziad Adwan Guest of honor: Amer Matar Light: Rainer Ludwig. Premiere: December 7, 2013, i-camp / new theater Munich / courage loading The performances of Destruction for Beginners 1 take place with the kind support of Debutförderung des Kulturreferates der Landeshauptstadt München a debut funding from the Cultural Department of the State Capital of Munich and from i-camp/neues theater München im Rahmen der Reihe courage_loading statt. Destruction for beginners 2: In the second part of the series “Destruction for Beginners,” Mey Seifan continues her idea of translating dreams of Syrians into choreographic images. She works with new dream material and explores the question of how the concept of destruction can develop. What happens when everything, in art and in society, is destroyed? Can destruction be a breeding ground for something new? Is that where dreams grow best? The starting point of the performance is the destruction, and then the efforts come to construct something new with the resulting fragments. Performance and creation: Fatina Laila, Ayham Majid Agha & Mey Seifan Concept, choreography and project management: Mey Seifan Production: Mey Seifan, Ziad Adwan Music: Enik & Martine-Nicole Rojina Painting: Hiba Al Ansari Guest of honor: Amer Matar Light: Rainer Ludwig Premiere: October 9, 2014, i-camp / new theater Munich / RODEO FESTIVAL A production by Tanween Company in co-production with RODEO 2014. In collaboration with the i-camp /neues theater Munich. Sponsored by Cultural Resource's Production Awards Program. Destruction for Beginners 1 reloaded: With the new version “Destruction for Beginners 1 reloaded” Mey Seifan asks what else can be said about a country in which war has already become so normal. What is normal? How do Syrians answer the same questions asked years ago, and what do they dream about today? Is there an “evolved” destruction or does destruction remain as an unchanged metaphor? If meanings are hard to be found in the living reality, what can the arts and the dreaming world tell us? A performance by and with: Mey Seifan, Martine-Nicole Rojina, Ziad Adwan Concept, choreography and project management: Mey Seifan Artistic collaboration: Ziad Adwan Music: Enik & Martine-Nicole Rojina Guest of honor: Amer Matar Light: Rainer Ludwig Premiere: July 15, 2015, i-camp / new theater Munich / Wild Tendencies 4 With kind support from Kulturreferat der Landeshauptstadt München